Tsunami warning...

Hi everyone,

We have tonight realised that a tsunami warning has been issued for most of the southeast Asia region including Japan, Taiwan and Australia. As we know now, no one can say if and in that case how big the water masses can be if it also reaches the Philippines and right now it feels more like a precaution than an actual reality. No one wants to relive the 2004 tsunami so I am sure everyone will overreact to make sure the damages will be as small as possible! Also, for our sake, many Philipino islands are further out to the east which means they will take a larger hit first. The estimated time for the waves to possibly reach the Philippines is about 22 hours, which means about 2 PM in the afternoon here on Panglao. We will keep ourselves update during tonight (CNN and BBC) and also tomorrow morning so please do not worry. The situation is under control and we will not do anything crazy tomorrow incase this actually affect us.

Take care and stay tuned for updates...



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