Dagens Drömmar =)

Idag är ingen vanlig dag...

Idag är det världens finaste pappas födelsedag =) HIPP HIPP HURRA!!!!! <3
Bachelor thesis <3
Sitting at Starbucks and working on my bachelor thesis about how small companys can bring more value to the firm by using key ratios. Is it possible? or is it just some old financial man who want's us to spend more time with figures?!
Let u know as soon as I find the answer :)

Let u know as soon as I find the answer :)

Bye Bye ShiShi, Ni Hao Beijing <3

A day in Hong Kong

Me and my Jonk!

This is draft of what we get in our "after" life =)

Why settle for one when you can have two?

Our lovely house with rooms for everyone :)

Don't miss the sunbeds in the front Awsome!!!!

I've heard that you can eat anything you like without gaining any weight so why not throw in some greasy KFC :)

P didn't think he would come directly to heaven so he bought him self some HELL BANK NOTES just in case ;)
And of course a......

Idag är ingen vanlig dag...

Virgin island - Philippines

What is she doing???

Looong day for the skipper...

Tsunami warning...
Hi everyone,
We have tonight realised that a tsunami warning has been issued for most of the southeast Asia region including Japan, Taiwan and Australia. As we know now, no one can say if and in that case how big the water masses can be if it also reaches the Philippines and right now it feels more like a precaution than an actual reality. No one wants to relive the 2004 tsunami so I am sure everyone will overreact to make sure the damages will be as small as possible! Also, for our sake, many Philipino islands are further out to the east which means they will take a larger hit first. The estimated time for the waves to possibly reach the Philippines is about 22 hours, which means about 2 PM in the afternoon here on Panglao. We will keep ourselves update during tonight (CNN and BBC) and also tomorrow morning so please do not worry. The situation is under control and we will not do anything crazy tomorrow incase this actually affect us.
Take care and stay tuned for updates...

We have tonight realised that a tsunami warning has been issued for most of the southeast Asia region including Japan, Taiwan and Australia. As we know now, no one can say if and in that case how big the water masses can be if it also reaches the Philippines and right now it feels more like a precaution than an actual reality. No one wants to relive the 2004 tsunami so I am sure everyone will overreact to make sure the damages will be as small as possible! Also, for our sake, many Philipino islands are further out to the east which means they will take a larger hit first. The estimated time for the waves to possibly reach the Philippines is about 22 hours, which means about 2 PM in the afternoon here on Panglao. We will keep ourselves update during tonight (CNN and BBC) and also tomorrow morning so please do not worry. The situation is under control and we will not do anything crazy tomorrow incase this actually affect us.
Take care and stay tuned for updates...

Above and below water...

Leaving at sunrise to hopefully see some dolphins...tired? Confirmed!

We were very fortunate and we did not only get to see more than 50 dolphins this early morning but they also came super-close to our boat.

I could almost touch them but as soon as I tried, they turned into the deep blue...

I know how to swim (!) but the Chinese do not which is obvious with all the people in the background wearing life-jackets...

I found him! (and his brother...)

The coral was pretty good (not Malaysia but still...) and all the small dots in the background is actually fish.


Swedes copy too...
Being away from your "motherland" for more than 6 months sometimes makes you miss certain food...like this restaurant in Malmö!

Mando's famous planksteak;)
So when we saw "their" new outlet in Panglao we had to try it...

They did not have the famous plansteak here but I decided to try something similar; the Filet of Pork with bearnaise sauce and klyftpotatis. Tasting gooood!

Well, since the local food proved to be really tasteless and we know how hard it is to get really good meat in China, we returned again tonight:)

Beef Stroganoff with a cold one - a new favorite!!! We might just have to come back a few times more before returning to the Kingdom of Noodles...

Mando's famous planksteak;)
So when we saw "their" new outlet in Panglao we had to try it...

They did not have the famous plansteak here but I decided to try something similar; the Filet of Pork with bearnaise sauce and klyftpotatis. Tasting gooood!

Well, since the local food proved to be really tasteless and we know how hard it is to get really good meat in China, we returned again tonight:)

Beef Stroganoff with a cold one - a new favorite!!! We might just have to come back a few times more before returning to the Kingdom of Noodles...

Well, you have already seen the pig and the cock...but we thought to give you some more of the mixed animals of this island:

Some kind of vegetable with legs I guess, about 5 cm body lenght.

Really hungry cows...gave them mangos to grow (into big steaks I guess...)

Geckos are common, but this special breed of Cyrtodactylus philippinicus (not making this up!) is much larger. About 30 cms in length making it a bit more noticable...

The 羊肉串 are alive here!!!

Some sort of spider, yellow and black body and over 10 cm in size...glad it was sitting in its huge net a bit higher than face height... Poisonous? I bet!

This green crab was also of impressive(!) size, that hole is about 1 dm in diameter...

The jellyfish from hell... Ok, so its not a box jelly, but it still looks kinda scary no?
Finally, this monster animal is very rarely seen but I was extremely lucky and got this great picture!

They appearently call it the joanaureolineatus philippinicus... I'd better watch out in the future...

Some kind of vegetable with legs I guess, about 5 cm body lenght.

Really hungry cows...gave them mangos to grow (into big steaks I guess...)

Geckos are common, but this special breed of Cyrtodactylus philippinicus (not making this up!) is much larger. About 30 cms in length making it a bit more noticable...

The 羊肉串 are alive here!!!

Some sort of spider, yellow and black body and over 10 cm in size...glad it was sitting in its huge net a bit higher than face height... Poisonous? I bet!

This green crab was also of impressive(!) size, that hole is about 1 dm in diameter...

The jellyfish from hell... Ok, so its not a box jelly, but it still looks kinda scary no?
Finally, this monster animal is very rarely seen but I was extremely lucky and got this great picture!

They appearently call it the joanaureolineatus philippinicus... I'd better watch out in the future...
Random Alona Beach pics

Matching my drinks with my outfits;)

Poolside studies

The island of cocks...
No, I know what you are thinking...but its not like that!!!
Everywhere we went we saw all these cocks in cages and started to wonder why...

Then we realized that this is part of a serious tradition in the Philippines...

The popular tradition of Cockfighting!

Attaching the sharp leg knife...

Then the betting... Odds are pretty good, 50% chance everytime!

Les coqs sportives...

The fights really gets the crowd going!!! Almost all of the people in the arena are men and many come with their own animal that can get up in the plexi-ring to fight.

Flying dropkicks rooster style!

The red dots, aka blood, splattered on the window shows the seriousness of the sport. The cocks, as mentioned above, wears a sharp knife attached to one of their legs to do extra damage. And every fight ends the same...
The winner stands tall and...

the loosers hangs upside-down...
A brutal sport but nevertheless something that has a value of experiencing. It seems like quite a waste, raising the cock for more than 2 years with the best of foods and then just give it up in the ring with a 50% risk of getting it killed. But the possibility of owning a winning rooster with all the fame and glory it comes with, is more than enough for putting it in there.
All I can say, I am just glad I'm not a rooster myself!
Everywhere we went we saw all these cocks in cages and started to wonder why...

Then we realized that this is part of a serious tradition in the Philippines...

The popular tradition of Cockfighting!

Attaching the sharp leg knife...

Then the betting... Odds are pretty good, 50% chance everytime!

Les coqs sportives...

The fights really gets the crowd going!!! Almost all of the people in the arena are men and many come with their own animal that can get up in the plexi-ring to fight.

Flying dropkicks rooster style!

The red dots, aka blood, splattered on the window shows the seriousness of the sport. The cocks, as mentioned above, wears a sharp knife attached to one of their legs to do extra damage. And every fight ends the same...
The winner stands tall and...

the loosers hangs upside-down...
A brutal sport but nevertheless something that has a value of experiencing. It seems like quite a waste, raising the cock for more than 2 years with the best of foods and then just give it up in the ring with a 50% risk of getting it killed. But the possibility of owning a winning rooster with all the fame and glory it comes with, is more than enough for putting it in there.
All I can say, I am just glad I'm not a rooster myself!